Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Ride

So my friend came down to the city, and she brought along a friend's truck. A Toyota Hilux, right-drive. :)

The thing is a beast and doesn't belong on pavement in the city. Kinda like me...not the beast part...the other part. But I felt better about being in the city while I was contained within it's awesomeness.

If you would like to know what to get me for a wedding present, photos follow. Also, if there are any single men out there who drool as much over this truck as I do, especially if it's their own, gimme a shout.

I need not say any more, though photos don't do it justice...

We almost pushed a skateboarder down the road. :)  Toyota Hilux.  Vancouver.  February, 2011.

Who says you can't go off-roading in the city? Not us. Toyota Hilux.  Vancouver.   February, 2011.

Yes. We made these move. Toyota Hilux. Vancouver.  February, 2011.

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