Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What an Interesting Two Weeks...

Man. It was tough, and I gave it a good shot. $5 a day just ain't gonna cut it for me. I think I'm a $15 a day person...minimum. That doesn't even include beer and wine. Not that I'm an alcoholic or anything. The Europeans have it right - enjoy life to the fullest.

So two days after abandoning ship, and I feel like I'm on top of the world again. I have energy, I'm calm and rational, I'm stoked to go food shopping and eat, and I'm just feeling way more like my former self. There's something about not following a strict, regimented lifestyle that really makes me feel alive. It's like I'm a rebel in my own life. Damn it feels good to be a gangster.

My good friend Bexx ( Five Foot Three: Blogs and Photography ) stopped by my work today and brought me a present! (Thanks Bexx!!)
I got some awesome chocolate - Green & Black's Organic Dark Chocolate.
Organic Japanese Sour Cherry Tea from Silk Road.
An Arcteryx Moleskine Notebook. Perfect for my upcoming trip. The perfect size, light and oh so handy. I can't wait to mark it all up - 'not least 'cause that'll mean I'm travelling again... (I've had one Moleskine before, and they are the perfect, minimalist notebook).
So awesome to have her around, even if it was for only 5 minutes. She should totally live closer. Or I should...to her. Or a combination of the two.

My sweet-ass tea from Bexx.

Started looking at flights today! Not looking so bad for prices at the moment, but I always get a little on edge with flight prices. They can change so fast, without warning, and in either direction. They might remain at a constant price for weeks, and just when you've decided that, yes, you will book that particular flight, you rock up online with your credit card in hand to find that the ticket is now $500 more. This has happened to me and friends. Don't let it happen to you. The only way to avoid it? Get free flights (anyone been saving up their Airmiles?), own a plane, or befriend someone who's got one. 
Now I'm gonna need to find a new storage solution while I'm away. I've decided not to sell all my stuff, for the simple facts that it took so long to get to where I am, and I don't want to go through the hassle again. Rules for this time around - Do not store stuff at a boy's house. 'Nuff said.

Rock on friends.

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